الثلاثاء، مايو 06، 2008

السبت، نوفمبر 24، 2007

إنهيار الأنترنت

Study Predicts Net Will Crash in 2010
A new Nemertes study says that a major Net bottleneck will be where Internet traffic goes to the home from coaxial lines and the copper wires that phone companies use for DSL. To avoid a slowdown, these companies, and increasingly, wireless service providers, must invest $55 billion, Nemertes says. That's almost 70% more than planned.
Enjoy your speedy broadband Web access while you can. The Web will start to seem pokey as early as 2010, as use of interactive and video-intensive services overwhelms local cable, phone and wireless Relevant Products/Services Internet providers, a study by business technology analysts Nemertes Research has found.
Users will experience a slow, subtle degradation, so it's back to the bad old days of dial-up," says Nemertes President Johna Till Johnson. "The cool stuff that you'll want to do will be such a pain in the rear that you won't do it."
Two years ago, nobody knew what YouTube was," Johnson says. "Now, it's generating 27 petabytes (27 million gigabytes) of data per month.
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الخميس، نوفمبر 15، 2007

10 Glorious Lost Cities (very nice)

Lost civilization cities glorious
clipped from www.oddee.com

MACHU PICCHU (Peru): The Lost City of the Incas [Wiki]

ANGKOR (Cambodia): Contains the world's largest religious monument [Wiki]

MEMPHIS (Egypt): ancient capital of Egypt[Wiki]

PETRA: stone structures carved into rocks [Wiki]

PALMYRA (Syria): the Bride of the Desert [Wiki]

POMPEII (Italy): buried by the volcano[Wiki]

PALENQUE (Mexico): one of Mayan's most exquisite cities [Wiki]

VIJAYANAGAR (India): capital of one of the largest Hindu empires [Wiki]

EPHESUS (Turkey): one of the most important cities of early Christianity [Wiki]

SANCHI (India): the best-preserved group of Buddhist monuments [Wiki]

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