الخميس، نوفمبر 15، 2007

10 Glorious Lost Cities (very nice)

Lost civilization cities glorious
clipped from www.oddee.com

MACHU PICCHU (Peru): The Lost City of the Incas [Wiki]

ANGKOR (Cambodia): Contains the world's largest religious monument [Wiki]

MEMPHIS (Egypt): ancient capital of Egypt[Wiki]

PETRA: stone structures carved into rocks [Wiki]

PALMYRA (Syria): the Bride of the Desert [Wiki]

POMPEII (Italy): buried by the volcano[Wiki]

PALENQUE (Mexico): one of Mayan's most exquisite cities [Wiki]

VIJAYANAGAR (India): capital of one of the largest Hindu empires [Wiki]

EPHESUS (Turkey): one of the most important cities of early Christianity [Wiki]

SANCHI (India): the best-preserved group of Buddhist monuments [Wiki]

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